If you're using supported inventory you dont have to make any changes in this section.
You can override inventory actions from no-base/configure/server/inventory.lua
This is an example of how we handle qb-inventory. Since we support qb-inventory internally you don't need to make any changes if you use qb-inventory.
local core = exports["qb-core"]:GetCoreObject()
local GetPlayer = core.Functions.GetPlayer
local RegisterItem = core.Functions.CreateUseableItem
core = nil
Config.Inventory = {
RegisterItem = function(itemName, cb)
RegisterItem(itemName, function(source, item)
item.metadata, item.info = item.info or item.metadata, nil
cb(source, item)
AddItem = function(source, itemName, count, metadata)
local player = GetPlayer(source)
if not player then return false end
return player.Functions.AddItem(itemName, count, false, metadata)
RemoveItem = function(source, itemName, count)
local player = GetPlayer(source)
if not player then return false end
return player.Functions.RemoveItem(itemName, count)