Creating Houses
From this section, you can learn how to create new houses with house editor.
How to enable creation mode?
By default you can enable creation mode with create
command. You can also enable creation mode by TriggerEvent("no-housing:housemanager:create")
on the client.
Creation Mode
When adding doors, your character must always turn their back on the door.
You can add as many doors as you want. Since the order of the doors taken will match the order of the interior doors of the build, the first door should be the main door and the second door should be the back door.
You can add as many garages as you want. When adding a garage, make sure there is enough of space for the vehicle and point your character in the direction the vehicle will be facing.
Add doors by pressing E (Make sure you follow the door tip above)
Add garages by pressing H (Make sure you follow the garage tip above)
Press ENTER to save the house.
When you're done with steps you'll see bright markers coming out of the house you've created. These lights represent the houses you are currently creating. You can create multiple houses at the same time. To save the houses you've created, you must press the save button again.
Markers in the form of vehicle represent garages, markers in the form of rays represent doors.
When you enable the creation mode you will see the markers coming out of the houses. Faded lights are houses that are currently registered in the database. Newly created and unregistered houses appear as a brighter light than the others.
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